*let in the possitivity * - joe inoue :3
okay... xDDD.. my list of things to do after graduation :D
1. find a job - srsly, i need to ORZ
2. watch anime - haven't done this for quite sometime T.T
3. read manga - i have no update to the current happenings T.T
4. drawdrawdraw - i need to improve my drawing skill.. Im thinking of doing commish in DA so i can have extra income OTL (coz my scholarship will end soon T_T)
5. make moar bgs - yes, haven't anyone noticed this?? I lack bgs in my drawings ORZ
6. make my Art Trades, Requests and Presents - I have so many debts in DA ORZ
7. make complicated/detailed designs in my drawings T_T
8. give myself a subbie :3 - i miss having a subbie.. and being an idiot, i deleted my custom boxes (you will get this when you have a subbie) and I can't have them back (not until i get a subbie back :3) OTL
9. continue the 100 theme challenge xD.. or maybe the 200 theme :D
10. join DA contests DX
.... can't think of anything else atm.. i'll just update this when I remember another one...
****** im suffering now... damn sinusitis and allergies OTL ******
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